3 Ways to Quickly Clean Up Your iPhone Contacts

Does your contact list run over with numbers and names and do you want to create order in the chaos? We give you three tips to quickly clean up your iPhone contacts.

Cleaning up your iPhone contacts is something you do

Over the years you collect a lot of songs, e-mail addresses and more of people. Annoying if you want to call that one person, but it takes a long time to find him or her. To keep the overview in your contact list, it is, therefore, useful to clean up your contacts from time to time.

1. Sort your contacts 

It can already feel a lot clearer when your contact list is sorted as you want. For example, do you often search for a surname? Then it might be useful to show your contacts with the last name first. Nice is that you can set both names however you want your contacts to be shown, and how they are sorted. 

In the following four steps, adjust the sorting and tonal order of your iPhone contacts:
  • Open Settings 
  • Go to the 'Contacts' menu
  • Press 'Sort' and select how you would like cash selected
  • Press 'Display' to select how contacts should be displayed

2. Combine duplicate contacts 

You may have duplicate contacts in your list. This happens when, for example, you have linked services such as Gmail or Outlook to your contacts. Double contacts are fortunately easy to merge.

Here is a simple four-step guide to merge or remove duplicate contacts from your iPhone

3. Remove old contacts 

Cinder is the Tinder for contacts. The app is meant to critically run through your contacts and remove those you do not use anymore. Cinder collects all your contacts and presents them one by one to you. Just like on Tinder, swipe left to remove a contact, and to the right to keep it.

When you delete contacts, that is permanent. Luckily, Cinder has a trash can that contains all the contacts that you have swiped to the left. After you have walked through all your contacts, you can check again if you actually want to delete those numbers.

This way you do not have to scroll endlessly through a long list to search for unnecessary contacts. With Cinder, you keep the overview and because of the Tinder appearance, the cleaning up is also quite entertaining.

That is it! These are the three quick and easiest ways to clean up your iPhone contacts and set them as you want. I hope this article will help you to keep your contacts list user-friendly. If you have any other queries let us know them in the below comment box and we will get back to you to solve all your questions with the best solution we got. 

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